Submitted by Editor on Wed, 07/11/2018 - 11:20
The Northern Pool publically discloses its proxy voting at AGMs and EGMs of the companies in the Pool's portfolios. The Pool has adopted the PIRC Shareowner Voting Guidelines. PIRC considers the a number of factors in presenting voting recommendations to its client.
Submitted by Editor on Mon, 08/10/2018 - 14:18
The local authority pension fund partners of GLIL Infrastructure LLP (GLIL) have pledged a further £550m to the platform, bringing the total they have invested and committed to more than £1.8bn. GLIL targets core infrastructure projects, mainly in the UK, and is run by Northern Pool and Local Pensions Partnership (LPP), which manages the assets of Berkshire, Lancashire and London Pensions Fund Authority.
Submitted by Editor on Thu, 05/07/2018 - 10:18
The £1.275 billion GLIL Infrastructure fund (GLIL) today announces it has invested £106 million into Semperian PPP Investment Partners Holdings Limited (Semperian), the social infrastructure company, acquiring a minority shareholding. The investment gives GLIL’s investors access to Semperian’s large and diversified portfolio of mature, operating infrastructure assets within the social infrastructure sector.
Submitted by Editor on Tue, 24/04/2018 - 15:03
The £1.275 billion GLIL Infrastructure platform (GLIL) is looking to bring the benefits of its leading infrastructure capabilities to a wider range of investment partners, following strong growth in the three years since its launch. The platform has also been re-launched under a regulated structure.
Submitted by Editor on Thu, 19/04/2018 - 16:51
The Northern Pool has appointed Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS), subject to contract, to provide a broad range of custodial and administration services, including securities lending, private equity fund administration, compliance monitoring and carbon reporting. The appointment follows a very competitive process which was supported by the global post-trade risk and custody specialists, Thomas Murray.
Submitted by Editor on Thu, 29/03/2018 - 09:41
The Northern Pool has appointed Ian Greenwood as its new chairman. Ian is currently the Deputy Chair of the West Yorkshire Pension Fund and Deputy Chair of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, which represents 75 local government pension funds with assets of over £200 billion.
Submitted by Editor on Thu, 21/07/2016 - 17:27
Agreement has been reached between three LGPS pension funds (including Merseyside Pension Fund) to form a Collective Asset Pool, called ‘Northern Pool’. This agreement meets the criteria set out by the Government in 2015.